It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Not Don!
I mistakenly said Not Don doesn't regularly follow this blog. Turns out, he heard my moaning and whining about my computer loud and clear. I walked into the living room tonight to find a beautiful little Mac where my Dell had been just a few moments earlier. Not Don is Superman. He swoops right in to save the day! He won't, however, change into Clark Kent to man my personal help desk. Being a Mac means I am technologically on my own. (The delete key is really the backspace key. What's a command key? I'm lost.) Not Don is still and will always be Superman, so who needs Clark Kent anyway?
I'd also like to report that I shopped with my Mom today. She bought herself a swimsuit and built a springtime bunny at Build-A-Bear. These things kept her happy while I dragged the mall for Easter clothes. My girls will be clothed and shod with seasonal flair - no black. Do not worry, friends. I will be wearing a linen skirt, pink sandals and a new t-shirt. (My fashion rule is if the t-shirt is new, it's appropriate for any occasion. Ask Sharon Stone.)
A successful shopping trip and a new computer? The conspicuous consumption is delicious tonight. I hope the inevitable hangover is delayed and mild.
We’ll turn our ball into a doomsday device.
2 weeks ago
I just want to point out that I called it. I always have faith in Not Don and his Mac store connections. Leotard? Did he get LEOTARD?
I read this blog three or four times a week. I was surprised that Not Stacy assumed I wasn't reading. I did not see the Leotard post in the allotted time...I felt bad about it.
Anyway, I hope I get a chance for makeup Leotard.
If the game of "Leotard" were like the game of HORSE, coming through with the Mac equates to sinking L-E-O-T-A. (not to be confused with Ray Liotta) I think I've said enough.
Congratulations, Not Stacy!
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