On our way up to Angelfire, we stopped for lunch at the home of an old friend and her family outside of Santa Fe. My sweet friend has created a beautiful life for herself and that makes me happy. I could go on and on in awe and praise of her, but I'll focus on one element of her cool life. She's a beekeeper.
She also raises chickens. In the past, I have approached Not Don about joining the Urban Chicken Movement by adding some laying hens to our backyard. He shut that idea down hard. For some reason, he doesn't envision a chicken coop where the pool should be. But I've never approached him about a bee hive. Maybe a hive is more appealing than a coop, and honey more desirable than eggs. We need to talk about it.
What's to talk about? Raising bees is beyond alien to me. They sting. I'm freaked out about Africanized Honey Bees (aka killer bees). It takes work to care for them and harvest the honey. They sting. Do I even like honey? It all seemed so reasonable and possible talking with my delightful friend over a beer...at her lovely adobe home...in the valley outside of Santa Fe.
I'm calling the Texas Honeybee Guild when I get back to Dallas, just to inquire. I have never been a member of a guild before, so there is that. (I hope they have bumper stickers. Anyone in a guild should have a bumper sticker.)
We’ll turn our ball into a doomsday device.
2 weeks ago
Just this past Sunday I was wondering if it is possible to keep bees in my city. Of course, everything seems possible while on vacation, but when one gets home, things that looked possible become harder to put into practice. It's the unbearable lightness of beeing
(sorry, coulnd't resist).
I have to agree with Not Pete about the chicken coop. (I remember my grandmother had chicken coops and I used to collect eggs, when I could muster the courage to brave the chickens. Hey, I was 6.) Anyway, they kinda smell. A lot. And they generate lots of chicken sh--
Bees are better. Go for bees, Not Magnolia.
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