I showed up to Miss M's class today to help out in the garden. It occurred to me much later that this morning of ecology must have been scheduled in honor of Earth Day. There were three moms and we each had a role. Mom #1 was the planner/organizer. Mom #2 was the plant and soil expert. Mom #3 (me!) was the-person-who-yelled-at-the children. Not yelled, really, but harangued with instructions like, "you're done, put down your gloves and tools, wipe off your feet and go back inside so the next group can have their turn. Now." Mom #1 remarked, "It's hilarious the way you keep telling the kids to go away." I don't think she thought it was hilarious.
Then, I took my car to the shop because the check engine light was on. I left it there to be noodled with by my Amelia Earhart look-alike mechanic and walked to lunch, then home. I conserved energy (my own) by taking a nap, then I embarked on foot to Miss M's school. I read the Earth Day unfriendly signs "Trail Closed", "No Trespassing" on the hike-and-bike path and took the road more traveled instead. Then, home for more napping. Thank goodness my car pooped out so I could cancel afternoon obligations. And, thank Earth Day for putting my day into context.
I love the word harangue. Fun to say, fun to spell.
We’ll turn our ball into a doomsday device.
2 weeks ago
I'm perennially Mom #3. Those other bitches have read too many "What to Expect" books and show their kids Baby Einstein videos, and then I have to fix that mess when they get to high school.
Not Mom #4 (me!) does think your haranguing is hilarious!
(my captcha word today is "amboodi")
Miss M loved Baby Einstein - it was her gateway drug to her current Nintendo addiction.
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