
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Open Book

I'm reading hard through Open by Andre Agassi.  I'm dying to get to the part where he starts doing meth.  Brooke Shields just came into the picture.  My friend recommended it so highly, she bought several copies for friends and gave me one.  I've done that before.

Years ago, I bought copies of The Winner of the National Book Award by Jincy Willett for my entire book club.  I wanted to make sure everyone read it and enjoyed it as much as I did.  They did not enjoy it like I did, sadly.  For them.  (I find humor is difficult to get agreement on.  Or at least what I consider to be humor.)  I gave my copy of Winner to my friend to read when she gave me Open.  I like her recommendation so far and I hope she likes mine.  (My self-esteem depends on it!)  (Not really.)  I'm not afraid to be a pusher at great personal risk to my reputation.  Twilight, anyone?

1 comment:

Olivejenny said...

There's no accounting for taste, yo.

(ok, genius comes and goes) ;)

tremu ... that's all captcha gave me. Sure, I could try for another, but that's about as sporting as a ninja.