
Monday, June 28, 2010

No Matter Your Instrument

I mentioned Michael Bolton two days ago and that fella has been a spark. I had my hair cut and colored today and except that I am still bald on top, Michael and I no longer sport the same 'do. MB also sparked an exploration into the cheesiest of cheesy songs by The Mike, which reminded me of my second favorite Dave Chappelle skit. Watch, laugh, keep dancing and enjoy what I consider to be the cheesiest of songs in the final scene. (Not Sarah Farrah will appreciate the cameo by ?uestlove.)

John Mayer skit from Tom on Vimeo.


Shutt2u said...

Funny!! What is your favorite Chappelle skit? Inquiring minds want to know....

susan said...

What a way to wake up this morning. Love it.

susan said...

it is usually the pan flute that gets me out of my seat.